Tuesday, 20 June 2017


Brain damage habits -

  • No breakfast: Some people especially do not have sexual relations with women, that they do not feel comfortable to keep themselves smart and be in a hurry. Not having breakfast, blood sugar levels are reduced, which is harmful to the brain.
  • Over Eating: Eating more foods arises due to brain artery that reduces the risk of thinking.
  • Smoking: Cigarette nose is absorbed and causes Alzheimer's disease.
  • The use of cord or fiber: Many use of cord or fiber work to prevent the development of the brain by connecting the proteins and the ingredients of Gaza together.
  • Air pollution or decomposition: In our body the brain is the most oxygen used. Environmentally exclusively reduces the supply of oxygen, which reduces the risk of brain.
  • Sleep Deprivation: Sleeping Mind is to Relax and Relate. Virtual and decent brain creates the destruction of brain cells.
  • Upward upward direction: With the help of above, carbon dioxide stains in the essentialness of oxygen and is also harmful to the brain.
  • Brain use in the brain: Hard work during pregnancy and using excessive brain and thinking ability decreases the risk of thinking and thinking of brain. (Nisar Abbas and paid Rashid should take care of it)
  • Lacking in stimulating thoughts: Fractures and overwhelming thoughts are two main sources of brain training, less use of thought is also a major cause of brain shedding.
  • Talking too little or more: Those people who are very silent and those people who speak much, reduce the ability to think of another mind. So keep in mind that the person stays in and keeps on talking too much like me


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